of DID
family )提到,事件研究法现已成为DID策略的标准动作,用于检验平行趋势 和发现外生冲击效应在时间上的变化 ,在此类应用中,事件研究法处于辅助地位。但DID设计本身存在两大缺陷,一是DID策略得到的是平均处理效应(ATE),而现实情况下我们更需要知道外生冲击在不同时段的不同影响,二是DID要求处理效应在冲击后立马显现,但事实上事件的效果往往需要过一段时间才能看出来(比如政策颁布的时点到执行层面落实有很长的间隔、疫苗接种后也不是立即生效)。(事实上DID策略还有很多其他问题,详见前文,在这些情况下,应用事件研究法可能是更好的选择。)
本篇博文摘录了事件研究法近期的进展,并在结尾附上代码,以在实践中学习 为理念,我想通过实际操作,增进自己对事件研究法的掌握。
1 事件研究法概述
1.1 对事件研究法的直观理解
在前文 模拟数据进行平行趋势检验的代码中,可以发现,事件研究法与DID策略相比,两者回归方程的结构是一样的,但是主要变量由DID的“处理组*处理时点”换成了处理组虚拟变量与时间虚拟变量的所有可能性交互。直观理解就是,事件研究是将DID处理效应的箱子打开,将平均处理效应拆解为一系列“两组-两期”DID组合加权平均,有时事件研究法也被称为动态DID。(仔细想想是不是这样?事件研究法处理效应图中,每一个点都可以理解为一组
2x2 DID)
1.2 结合方程与模拟数据的理解
来看看估计方程 (更换了渲染器,现在复杂公式也可以正常渲染了!):
y_{st} = \alpha + \sum_{j=2}^J\beta_j(\text{Lag}\ j)_{st} +
\sum_{k=1}^K(\text{Lead}\ k)_{st} + \mu_s + \lambda_t +
X'_{st}\Gamma + \epsilon_{st} \quad(1)
\] 式(1),\(y_{st}\) 是第
\(s\) 个个体在第 \(t\) 期的因变量,\(J\) 和 \(K\)
分别表示事前和事后的期数(也称为滞后项和前置项),\(\mu_s\) 和 \(\lambda_t\)
\(J\) 就为4,\(J\)
用JEP论文 里的估计方程理解起来会更方便些(这个公式敲起来老费劲了):
y_{it} =\underbrace{ (\sum_{j\in\{-m,_\cdots,0,_\cdots,n\}
}\gamma_j\cdot D_{i,t-j} ) }_{\mathrm{Event\ Study\ Terms} }\ +
\underbrace{\alpha_i+\delta_t}_{\mathrm{Panel\ Fixed\ Effects} } +
\underbrace{\beta\cdot X_{it} }_{\mathrm{ (Optional)\ Control Variables}
} + \epsilon_{it}\quad(2)
\] 式(2)中的重要系数含义如下:
\(\gamma_j\) :
\(D_{i,t-j}\) :
模拟样本中共有 400 个个体,每个个体有 20 期观测值。样本中共包含 4
个组群(Group),分别为 3 组在不同时点接受处理的处理组和 1
组未受处理的控制组,每组均包含 100 个个体。3 组处理组分别在第 5、10、15
期接受处理。处理组个体的处理效应随时间增长,受处理期限每增加 1
期处理效应随之增加 1 单位。(张子尧等,2023)
1.3 事件研究法的基本假设
2 事件研究法实践中的若干问题
2.1 基期选择
2.2 对事前平行趋势假设的检验
事前平行趋势要求处理前每一期的平均处理效应为 0,其对应的原假设是
2.3 归并和截断数据
数据归并 (Binning)是指设定一个事件窗口 \([-K,L]\) ,将早于事件窗口的观测值 \((l\le-K)\) 的相对时期重新设定为 \(-K\) 期,将晚于事件窗口的观测值 \(l\ge L\) 的相对时期重新设定为 \(L\) 期。
数据截断 (Trimming)同样是设定一个事件窗口,区别在于将事件窗口外的样本做删除而非归并。
2.4 正确控制组群异质性时间趋势
事件研究法的核心识别假设是平行趋势假设。然而,由于涉及处理发生后不可观测的潜在结果,平行趋势假设本身是不可能被直接检验所证实或证伪的。因此,实践中研究者们一方面会检验事前平行趋势是否成立从而间接地为平行趋势假设提供支持,另一方面也考虑尽可能放松平行趋势假设 ,即允许处理组和控制组存在某种确定形式的趋势差异。最常见的是假设组间存在异质性的线性时间趋势,如下图所示,3
个处理组分别存在斜率为 1、0.5、0.2
y_{it} = \alpha_i + \gamma_gf(t) + \sum_{l=-K}^{-2}\mu_l D_{it}^l +
\sum_{l=0}^L\beta_lD_{lt}^l + \epsilon_{it} \quad(3)
\] 式(3)中的 \(f(t)\)
表示时间趋势项的函数形式,可以是线性的,也可以是二次形式的;\(\gamma_g\) 表示时间趋势项的参数,\(g\)
意味着不同组群的时间趋势项存在差异。下图中,控制组的时间趋势斜率 \(\gamma_0 = 0\) ,组群1、2、3
的时间趋势斜率分别为1、0.5 和0.2。
实践中研究者们通常直接回归式(3),认为 \(y_gf(t)\)
可以良好地控制潜在的组间时间趋势差异,从而确保估计系数 \(\mu_l\) 和 \(\beta_l\)
能够一致估计各期平均处理效应。然而事实并非如此 !看例子:
\(\gamma_g\times t\)
手动剔除事前趋势的两阶段估计法 :第一阶段使用未接受处理的子样本(控制组和尚未接受处理的处理组)估计组群异质性时间趋势并外推至处理后时期,从结果变量中剔除时间趋势(Detrend)。第二阶段使用剔除事前趋势后的结果变量进行事件研究法估计(Goodman-Bacon,2021;
插补法 :既然问题出在使用全样本无法一致估计组群时间趋势项,那么一个自然的解决思路是使用未接受处理的子样本来正确地识别出组群时间趋势项
\(\gamma_gf(t)\) 以及双向固定效应 \(\alpha_i\) 和 \(\lambda _t\) ,将其从结果变量 \(y_{it}\) 中剔除后再进行回归估计。
of DID
family 里的相关内容!还是那些异质性DID的稳健估计量或诊断方法。
“组群-时”期平均处理效应估计法:首先估计出组群—时期平均处理效应 \(ATT_{g,l}\)
似乎没有什么好的处理办法,作者举了些例子,如处理时点内生选择 :
和 Smith,1999)。
在这种情形下,无论是基于双向固定效应模型的传统事件研究法还是异质性处理效应稳健估计量都存在估计偏误,都无法 正确估计各期平均处理效应 。
2.6 其他问题
3 数据与代码
3.1 数据生成过程
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 clear allset seed 20230101clear all set obs 400gen id = _nexpand 20bysort id: gen time = _n gen unit_c = runiform(0,10) if time==1egen unit_spec = mean (unit_c), by (id)gen x = runiform(0,1)gen indicator_c = unit_c + 1*x qui sum indicator_c,d scalar threshold1 = r (p25) scalar threshold2 = r (p50)scalar threshold3 = r (p75)egen indicator = mean (indicator_c), by (id)gen treat = 1replace treat = 2 if indicator>threshold1replace treat = 3 if indicator>threshold2replace treat = 4 if indicator>threshold3tab treat, gen (group)gen timing = . replace timing = 5 if treat==2replace timing = 10 if treat==3replace timing = 15 if treat==4gen rel_date = time-timing replace rel_date = 0 if mi (rel_date) gen post = rel_date>=0 gen group_level = 10*group2 + 3*group3 -3*group4 gen group_trend = 0 gen tauit = (1*group2 + 1*group3 + 1*group4)*post *(rel_date+1) gen y0 = group_level + group_trend + unit_spec + runiform(0,10)gen y1 = group_level + group_trend + unit_spec + tauit + runiform(0,10)cap drop ygen D = 0replace D = 1 if rel_date>=0&inlist (treat,2,3,4)gen y = (1-D )*y0 + D *y1 forvalues k = 14(-1)2 { gen relb_`k' = rel_date == -`k' label var relb_`k' "-`k'" }gen rel_base = rel_date==-1 label var rel_base "-1" forvalues k = 0/15 { gen relf_`k' = rel_date == `k' label var relf_`k' "`k'" }for var relb_* relf_* rel_base: replace X = 0 if group1==1 save simu_data_DGP01, replace set seed 20230101clear all set obs 400gen id = _nexpand 20bysort id: gen time = _n gen unit_c = runiform(0,10) if time==1egen unit_spec = mean (unit_c), by (id)gen x = runiform(0,1)gen indicator_c = unit_c + 1*xqui sum indicator_c,d scalar threshold1 = r (p25)scalar threshold2 = r (p50)scalar threshold3 = r (p75)egen indicator = mean (indicator_c), by (id)gen treat = 1replace treat = 2 if indicator>threshold1replace treat = 3 if indicator>threshold2replace treat = 4 if indicator>threshold3tab treat, gen (group)gen timing = .replace timing = 5 if treat==2replace timing = 10 if treat==3replace timing = 15 if treat==4gen rel_date = time-timingreplace rel_date = 0 if mi (rel_date)gen post = rel_date>=0gen group_level = 10*group2 + 3*group3 -3*group4gen group_trend = (0*group1 + 1*group2 + 0.5*group3 + 0.2*group4)*time gen tauit = (1*group2 + 1*group3 + 1*group4)*post *(1 + rel_date) gen y0 = group_level + group_trend + unit_spec + runiform(0,10)gen y1 = group_level + group_trend + unit_spec + tauit + runiform(0,10)cap drop ygen D = 0replace D = 1 if rel_date>=0&inlist (treat,2,3,4)gen y = (1-D )*y0 + D *y1 forvalues k = 14(-1)2 { gen relb_`k' = rel_date == -`k' label var relb_`k' "-`k'" }gen rel_base = rel_date==-1 label var rel_base "-1" forvalues k = 0/15 { gen relf_`k' = rel_date == `k' label var relf_`k' "`k'" }for var relb_* relf_* rel_base: replace X = 0 if group1==1 save simu_data_DGP02, replace set seed 20230101clear all set obs 400gen id = _nexpand 20bysort id: gen time = _n gen unit_c = runiform(0,10) if time==1egen unit_spec = mean (unit_c), by (id)gen x = runiform(0,1)gen indicator_c = unit_c + 1*xqui sum indicator_c,d scalar threshold1 = r (p25)scalar threshold2 = r (p50)scalar threshold3 = r (p75)egen indicator = mean (indicator_c), by (id)gen treat = 1replace treat = 2 if indicator>threshold1replace treat = 3 if indicator>threshold2replace treat = 4 if indicator>threshold3tab treat, gen (group)gen timing = .replace timing = 5 if treat==2replace timing = 10 if treat==3replace timing = 15 if treat==4gen rel_date = time-timingreplace rel_date = 0 if mi (rel_date)gen post = rel_date>=0gen group_level = 10*group2 + 3*group3 -3*group4gen group_trend = 0 gen tauit = (0.5*group2 + 1*group3 + 2*group4)*post *(rel_date+1) gen y0 = group_level + group_trend + unit_spec + runiform(0,10)gen y1 = group_level + group_trend + unit_spec + tauit + runiform(0,10)cap drop ygen D = 0replace D = 1 if rel_date>=0&inlist (treat,2,3,4)gen y = (1-D )*y0 + D *y1 gen rel_date_cut = rel_datelocal pre_cut = 14local post_cut = 15replace rel_date_cut = -`pre_cut' if rel_date<-`pre_cut' replace rel_date_cut = `post_cut' if rel_date>`post_cut' tab rel_date_cutforvalues k = `pre_cut' (-1)2 { gen relb_`k' = rel_date_cut == -`k' label var relb_`k' "-`k'" }gen rel_base = rel_date_cut==-1label var rel_base "-1" forvalues k = 0/`post_cut' { gen relf_`k' = rel_date_cut == `k' label var relf_`k' "`k'" }for var relb_* relf_* rel_base: replace X = 0 if group1==1 save simu_data_DGP03, replace set seed 20230101clear all set obs 400gen id = _nexpand 20bysort id: gen time = _n gen unit_c = runiform(0,10) if time==1egen unit_fe = mean (unit_c), by (id)gen indicator_c = unit_c qui sum indicator_c,d scalar threshold1 = r (p25)scalar threshold2 = r (p50)scalar threshold3 = r (p75)egen indicator = mean (indicator_c), by (id)gen treat = 1replace treat = 2 if indicator>threshold1replace treat = 3 if indicator>threshold2replace treat = 4 if indicator>threshold3tab treat, gen (group)gen timing = .replace timing = 5 if treat==2replace timing = 10 if treat==3replace timing = 15 if treat==4gen rel_date = time-timingreplace rel_date = 0 if mi (rel_date)gen post = rel_date>=0gen group_level = 40*group2 + 25*group3 +10*group4gen group_trend = 0egen X_cf = mean (unit_c), by (treat) gen tauit = (2*group2 + 1*group3 + 0.5*group4)*post *(rel_date+1) gen y0 = group_level + group_trend - 0.1*X_cf*rel_date*post + runiform(0,10)gen y1 = group_level + group_trend - 0.1*X_cf*rel_date*post + tauit + runiform(0,10)cap drop ygen D = 0replace D = 1 if rel_date>=0&inlist (treat,2,3,4)gen y = (1-D )*y0 + D *y1 gen rel_date_cut = rel_datelocal pre_cut = 14local post_cut = 15replace rel_date_cut = -`pre_cut' if rel_date<-`pre_cut' replace rel_date_cut = `post_cut' if rel_date>`post_cut' tab rel_date_cutforvalues k = `pre_cut' (-1)2 { gen relb_`k' = rel_date_cut == -`k' label var relb_`k' "-`k'" }gen rel_base = rel_date_cut==-1label var rel_base "-1" forvalues k = 0/`post_cut' { gen relf_`k' = rel_date_cut == `k' label var relf_`k' "`k'" }for var relb_* relf_* rel_base: replace X = 0 if group1==1 save simu_data_DGP04, replace
3.2 同质性处理效应路径的情况
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 clear alluse simu_data_DGP01, clear preserve collapse (mean ) y, by (treat time) tw (sc y time if treat==2, c(l ) m (o)) (sc y time if treat==3, c(l ) m (s)) (sc y time if treat==4, c(l ) m (t)) (sc y time if treat==1, c(l ) m (d )), ylabel(0(10)40) subtit("(a)模拟数据" , pos(6)) legend(order (1 "组群1 (T*=5)" 2 "组群2 (T*=10)" 3 "组群3 (T*=15)" 4 "控制组" ) $tllgd col(1)) xtitle("时期" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) scale(1) name(Homo1)restore preserve collapse (mean ) att=tauit, by (treat rel_date) replace att = att+0.5 if treat==3replace att = att+1 if treat==2tw (sc att rel_date if treat==2, c(l ) m (o)) (sc att rel_date if treat==3, c(l ) m (s)) (sc att rel_date if treat==4, c(l ) m (t)), xlabel(-15(5)15) xline(-0.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("平均处理效应 (ATT)" ) subtit("(b)真实平均处理效应" , pos(6)) legend(order (1 "组群1 (T*=5)" 2 "组群2 (T*=10)" 3 "组群3 (T*=15)" ) $tllgd col(1)) scale(1) name(Homo2)restore gr combine Homo1 Homo2, xsize(10) scale(1.5)gr export "figure/ES_ATT.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_ATT.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_ATT.gph, replace use simu_data_DGP01, clear reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_TWFE gl leadall "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lagall "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15" testparm $leadall matrix btrue = J (1,30,.)matrix colnames btrue = $leadall $lagall qui forvalues l = 1/14 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/15 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +15]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrue coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), m (Oh)) (ES_TWFE, recast (connect)), drop (_cons) order (relb* rel_base relf*) omitted baselevel vertical ciopts(recast (rcap)) yline(0, lc(gs0) lp(solid)) xline(14.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) xtitle("相对处理发生时间" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) text(4 6 "事前系数联合检验" , place(c)) text(2 6 "F=0.83 P=0.6256" , place(c)) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "估计系数" ) $brlgd col(1)) xsize(8) scale(1.3)gr export "figure/ES_TWFE.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_TWFE.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_TWFE.gph, replace gr drop _all use simu_data_DGP01, clear reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_TWFE1 reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 o.relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_TWFE2gl leadall "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" coefplot ES_TWFE1 (ES_TWFE2, lp(solid)), keep ($leadall ) omitted baselevel vertical recast (con) lw(thick) ciopts(recast (rspike) color(%40)) yline(0, lc(gs0) lp(solid) lw(medthick)) ylab(-2(1)2) xtitle("相对处理发生时间" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) tit("(a)单一系数显著性" , pos(6)) legend(order (2 "基期 = -1" 4 "基期 = -8" ) $brlgd ) scale(1.2) name(PTT1)local leadall "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" tempvar t P gen `t' = _n-15 if _n<=14gen `P' = .forvalues i = 14(-1)2 { local base_period "relb_`i'" local xvar: list leadall - base_period reghdfe y `xvar' o.`base_period' relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) testparm `leadall' replace `P' = r (p) if `t' ==-`i' } reghdfe y `xvar' o.`base_period' relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id)testparm `leadall' replace `P' = r (p) if `t' ==-1sum `P' ,d scatter `P' `t' , c(l ) ylab(0(0.2)1, format (%6.1f)) xlab(-14/-1) xtit("基期" ) ytitle("P值" ) tit("(b)联合检验显著性" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(PTT2)gr combine PTT1 PTT2, xsize(10) scale(1.5)gr export "figure/ES_preTest.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_preTest.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_preTest.gph, replace use simu_data_DGP01, clear cap drop relb_* rel_base relf_*gen rel_date_cut = rel_datelocal pre_cut = 5local post_cut = 10replace rel_date_cut = -`pre_cut' if rel_date<-`pre_cut' replace rel_date_cut = `post_cut' if rel_date>`post_cut' tab rel_date_cutforvalues k = `pre_cut' (-1)2 { gen relb_`k' = rel_date_cut == -`k' label var relb_`k' "-`k'" }gen rel_base = rel_date_cut==-1label var rel_base "-1" forvalues k = 0/`post_cut' { gen relf_`k' = rel_date_cut == `k' label var relf_`k' "`k'" }for var relb_* relf_* rel_base: replace X = 0 if group1==1 reghdfe y relb_* o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_bin reghdfe y relb_* o.rel_base relf_* if inrange (rel_date,-5,10), a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_trimgl leadall "relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lagall "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 " matrix btrue = J (1,16,.)matrix colnames btrue = $leadall $lagall qui forvalues l = 1/5 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/10 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +6]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrue coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), m (Oh)) ES_bin ES_trim, drop (_cons) order (relb* rel_base relf*) omitted baselevel vertical ciopts(recast (rcap)) yline(0, lc(gs0) lp(solid)) xline(5.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "归并样本 (binned)" 6 "截断样本 (trimmed)" ) $blgd ) title("(a)事件窗口期[-5,10]" , pos(6)) name(BT1)use simu_data_DGP01, clear cap drop relb_* rel_base relf_*gen rel_date_cut = rel_datelocal pre_cut = 10local post_cut = 5replace rel_date_cut = -`pre_cut' if rel_date<-`pre_cut' replace rel_date_cut = `post_cut' if rel_date>`post_cut' tab rel_date_cutforvalues k = `pre_cut' (-1)2 { gen relb_`k' = rel_date_cut == -`k' label var relb_`k' "-`k'" }gen rel_base = rel_date_cut==-1label var rel_base "-1" forvalues k = 0/`post_cut' { gen relf_`k' = rel_date_cut == `k' label var relf_`k' "`k'" }for var relb_* relf_* rel_base: replace X = 0 if group1==1 reghdfe y relb_* o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_bin reghdfe y relb_* o.rel_base relf_* if inrange (rel_date,-10,5), a(id time) cluster (id) eststo ES_trimgl leadall "relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lagall "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5" matrix btrue = J (1,16,.)matrix colnames btrue = $leadall $lagall qui forvalues l = 1/10 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/5 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +11]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrue coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), m (Oh)) ES_bin ES_trim, drop (_cons) order (relb* rel_base relf*) omitted baselevel vertical ciopts(recast (rcap)) yline(0, lc(gs0) lp(solid)) xline(10.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) ylabel(0(3)9) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "归并样本 (binned)" 6 "截断样本 (trimmed)" ) $blgd ) title("(b)事件窗口期[-10,5]" , pos(6)) name(BT2) grc1leg2 BT1 BT2, xsize(10) scale(1.5) labsize(small)gr export "figure/ES_BinTrim.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_BinTrim.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_BinTrim.gph, replace
3.3 存在组群时间趋势的情况
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 clear alluse simu_data_DGP02, clear cap gr drop GT* preserve collapse (mean ) y, by (treat time)tw (sc y time if treat==2, c(l ) m (o) lp(solid)) (sc y time if treat==3, c(l ) m (s) lp(solid)) (sc y time if treat==4, c(l ) m (t) lp(solid)) (sc y time if treat==1, c(l ) m (d ) lp(solid)) (lfit y time if treat==2&time<5, range (1 20) lc(plb1) lp(shortdash)) (lfit y time if treat==3&time<10, range (1 20) lc(plr1) lp(shortdash)) (lfit y time if treat==4&time<15, range (1 20) lc(plg1) lp(shortdash)) , ylabel(0(10)50) xtitle("时期" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) legend(order (1 "组群1(趋势=1t)" 2 "组群2(趋势=0.5t)" 3 "组群3(趋势=0.2t)" 4 "控制组" ) $blgd col(2)) tit("(a)模拟数据" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(GT_data1)restore preserve reghdfe y if D ==0, a(id time groupFE=i.treat#c.time) cluster (id) ereplace groupFESlope1 = mean (groupFESlope1), by (id) gen grouptrend = time*groupFESlope1 gen y_hat = y - grouptrend collapse (mean ) y_hat, by (treat time) tw (sc y_hat time if treat==2, c(l ) m (oh) lp(dash)) (sc y_hat time if treat==3, c(l ) m (sh ) lp(dash)) (sc y_hat time if treat==4, c(l ) m (th) lp(dash)) (sc y_hat time if treat==1, c(l ) m (dh) lp(dash)), ylabel(0(10)35) xtitle("时期" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) legend(order (1 "组群1" 2 "组群2 (T*=10, 趋势=0.5t)" 3 "组群3 (T*=15, 趋势=0.2t)" 4 "控制组" ) $blgd row(2)) tit("(b)剔除时间趋势" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(GT_data2)restore grc1leg2 GT_data1 GT_data2, xsize(10) scale(1.3) lr(1) labsize(small)gr export "figure/ES_GTdata.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_GTdata.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_GTdata.gph, replace use simu_data_DGP02, clear reghdfe y relb_* o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15, a(id time i.treat#c.time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE_wtrendgl leadall "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lagall "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15" gl lead10 "relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lag10 "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10" matrix btrue = J (1,30,.)matrix colnames btrue = $leadall $lagall qui forvalues l = 1/14 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/15 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +15]=r (mean ) }matrix list btruecap gr drop GT_est* coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), msym(Oh)) TWFE TWFE_wtrend, keep ($lead10 $lag10 ) order ($lead10 $lag10 ) omitted baselevel vertical nooffsets recast (connect) ciopts(recast (rcap)) yline(0, lc(gs8) lp(solid)) xline(10.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "事件研究法" 6 "控制组别时间趋势" ) $blgd col(3)) tit("(a)控制组别时间趋势" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(GT_est1)est clear reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 o.relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 o.relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15, a(id time i.treat#c.time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE_wtrend1 reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 o.relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15, a(id time i.treat#c.time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE_wtrend2 coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), msym(Oh)) TWFE_wtrend1 TWFE_wtrend2, keep ($lead10 $lag10 ) order ($lead10 $lag10 ) omitted baselevel vertical recast (con) ciopts(recast (rcap)) yline(0, lc(gs8) lp(solid)) xline(14.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "基期=(-10, -5)" 6 "基期=(-1, 5)" ) $blgd col(3)) tit("(b)更换基期" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(GT_est2)gr combine GT_est1 GT_est2, xsize(10) scale(1.3)gr export "figure/ES_GTest.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_GTest.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_GTest.gph, replace use simu_data_DGP02, clear forvalues i = 1/4{ gen group`i' _time = (treat==`i' ) * time }est clear reghdfe y group2_time group3_time group4_time, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo model_aux1 reghdfe y group2_time group3_time group4_time if D ==0, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo model_aux2 esttab model_aux2 model_aux1, keep (group*) r2 se b(4) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) use simu_data_DGP02, clear gl leadall "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lagall "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15" matrix btrue = J (1,30,.)matrix colnames btrue = $leadall $lagall qui forvalues l = 1/14 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/15 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +15]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrue reghdfe y relb_* o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE_trend reghdfe y if D ==0, a(id time groupFE=i.treat#c.time) cluster (id) ereplace groupFESlope1 = mean (groupFESlope1), by (id)gen grouptrend = time*groupFESlope1gen y_hat = y - grouptrend reghdfe y_hat relb_* o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE_detrendforvalues i = 1/4{ gen group`i' _time = (treat==`i' ) * time } fect y, treat(D ) unit(id) time(time) cov(group1_time group2_time group3_time group4_time) method("fe" ) se nboots(100) matrix fect_results = e (ATTs)matrix rownames fect_results = relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relb_1 relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11matrix fect_b = fect_results[4..24,3] matrix fect_v = fect_results[4..24,4]matrix fect = [fect_b , fect_v]' did2s y, first_stage(i.id i.time i.treat#c.time) second_stage(relb* rel_base relf*) treatment(D ) cluster (id) eststo twostage gl lead10 "relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lag10 "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10" coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), msym(Oh) recast (scatter )) (TWFE_trend, m (t)) (TWFE_detrend, m (s)) (twostage, m (d )) (matrix (fect[1]), se (2) m (X)), keep ($lead10 $lag10 ) omitted baselevel vertical ciopts(recast (rspike)) yline(0, lc(gs8) lp(solid)) xline(10.5, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "事件研究法(TWFE)" 6 "去事前趋势(Goodman-Bacon, 2021)" 8 "两阶段DiD (Gardner, 2022)" 10 "广义合成控制法 (Liu等, 2022)" ) $tllgd col(1)) xsize(8) scale(1.3) gr export "figure/ES_GTest3.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_GTest3.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_GTest3.gph, replace
3.4 存在异质性处理效应的情况
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 clear allgl leadall "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lagall "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15" gl lead10 "relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 rel_base" gl lag10 "relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10" use simu_data_DGP03, clear preserve collapse (mean ) y, by (treat time)tw (sc y time if treat==2, c(l ) m (O)) (sc y time if treat==3, c(l ) m (S)) (sc y time if treat==4, c(l ) m (T)) (sc y time if treat==1, c(l ) m (D )), ylabel(0(10)30) legend(order (1 "组群1 (T*= 5, ATT{sub:t}=0.5t)" 2 "组群2 (T*=10, ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 3 "组群3 (T*=15, ATT{sub:t}=2t)" 4 "控制组" ) $blgd col(2)) xtitle("时期" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) name(HTdata1)restore preserve collapse (mean ) tauit, by (treat rel_date)tw (sc tauit rel_date if treat==2, c(l ) m (s)) (sc tauit rel_date if treat==3, c(l ) m (t)) (sc tauit rel_date if treat==4, c(l ) m (d )), xlabel(-15(5)15) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("平均处理效应 (ATT)" ) legend(order (1 "组群1 (T*= 5, ATT{sub:t}=0.5t)" 2 "组群2 (T*=10, ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 3 "组群3 (T*=15, ATT{sub:t}=2t)" ) $blgd col(2)) name(HTdata2)restore gr combine HTdata1 HTdata2, xsize(10) scale(1.5)use simu_data_DGP03, clear local b_idc "relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11 relf_12 relf_13 relf_14 relf_15" hdfe `b_idc' , absorb(id time) generate (res_)levelsof timing, local (cohort_list) levelsof rel_date, local (rel_time_list) tempname bb bb_wforeach yy of local cohort_list { foreach rr of local rel_time_list { tempvar catt qui count if timing == `yy' & rel_date == `rr' if r (N ) >0 { qui gen `catt' = (timing == `yy' ) * (rel_date == `rr' ) qui regress `catt' res_*, nocons mat `bb_w' = e (b) mat `bb_w' = `yy' , `rr' , `bb_w' matrix `bb' = nullmat (`bb' ) \ `bb_w' } } }matrix colnames `bb' = "timing" "rel_date" `b_idc' matrix ES_weights = `bb' mat list ES_weights putexcel set "weightfiles" , replace putexcel A1=matrix (ES_weights), colnames import excel "weightfiles.xlsx" , clear firstrowlocal period "relf_3" keep timing rel_date `period' reshape wide `period' , i (rel_date) j (timing) gr bar `period' 5 `period' 10 `period' 15, over(rel_date) bar(1, color(gs0)) bar(2, color(gs6)) bar(3, color(gs12)) yline(0, lw(medium)) ytit("权重" ) b1tit("相对处理时期" ) legend(order (1 "组群1(T*=5)" 2 "组群2(T*=10)" 3 "组群3(T*=15)" ) col(1) $tllgd ) ysize(3) scale(1.3)gr export "figure/ES_SAweights.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_SAweights.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_SAweights.gph, replace use simu_data_DGP03, clear matrix btrue = J (1,21,.)matrix colnames btrue = relb10 relb9 relb8 relb7 relb6 relb5 relb4 relb3 relb2 relb1 relf0 relf1 relf2 relf3 relf4 relf5 relf6 relf7 relf8 relf9 relf10qui forvalues l = 1/10 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/10 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +11]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrueest clear reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFEgen never = treat==1 eventstudyinteract y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relf_* rel_base, vce (cluster id) absorb(id time) cohort(timing) control_cohort(never) matrix sa_b = e (b_iw) matrix sa_v = e (V_iw)gen csind = timingreplace csind = 0 if mi (csind) csdid y, ivar(id) time(time) gvar(csind) notyet agg(event) eststo csdidxtset id timecap drop t *_lpdid*gen t = _n-15 if _n<=30gen b_lpdid_fe = .gen se_lpdid_fe = .forval j =14(-1)2 { qui : reghdfe y relb_`j' if (rel_date==-`j' | rel_base==1 & treat!=1) | treat==1, a(id time) cluster (id) qui : replace b_lpdid_fe = _b[relb_`j' ] if t==-`j' qui : replace se_lpdid_fe = _se[relb_`j' ] if t==-`j' }forval j =0(1)15 { qui : reghdfe y relf_`j' if (rel_date==`j' | rel_base==1 & treat!=1) | treat==1, a(id time) cluster (id) qui : replace b_lpdid_fe = _b[relf_`j' ] if t==`j' qui : replace se_lpdid_fe = _se[relf_`j' ] if t==`j' }replace b_lpdid_fe = 0 if t==-1replace se_lpdid_fe = 0 if t==-1tostring t, replace replace t = "T" + tmkmat b_lpdid_fe, mat (lpdid_b) rownames(t) nomissingmkmat se_lpdid_fe, mat (lpdid_se) rownames(t) nomissing did_imputation y id time timing, allhorizons pretrend(10) eststo bjs did2s y, first_stage(i.id i.time) second_stage(relb* rel_base relf*) treatment(D ) cluster (id) eststo twostage fect y, treat(D ) unit(id) time(time) method("fe" ) se nboots(30)matrix fect_results = e (ATTs)matrix rownames fect_results = relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relb_1 relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11matrix fect_b = fect_results[4..24,3] matrix fect_v = fect_results[4..24,4] stackedev y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relf_* rel_base, cohort(timing) time(time) never_treat(never) unit_fe(id) clust_unit(id) eststo stack event_plot stack , stub_lag(relf_#) stub_lead(relb_#) plottype(scatter ) ciplottype(rcap) event_plot btrue# TWFE sa_b#sa_v csdid lpdid_b#lpdid_se bjs twostage stack , stub_lag(relf# relf_# relf_# Tp# T# tau# relf_# relf_#) stub_lead(relb# relb_# relb_# Tm# T-# pre# relb_# relb_#) plottype(scatter ) ciplottype(rspike) together perturb(-0.35(0.1)0.35) trimlead(10) trimlag(10) noautolegend graph_opt(xtit("相对处理发生时间" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) xlabel(-10(1)10) ylabel(-3(3)9) legend(order (1 "真实系数" 2 "事件研究法TWFE" 4 "Sun & Abraham(2021)" 6 "Callaway & Sant'Anna(2021)" 8 "Dube et al.(2023)" 10 "Borusyak et al.(2022)" 12 "Gardner(2022)" 14 "Cengiz et al.(2019)" ) col(2) $tllgd ) xline(-0.5, lcolor(gs8) lp(dash)) yline(0, lcolor(gs0) lp(solid)) xsize(10) ysize(5) scale(1.3) ) lag_opt1(msymbol(Oh) color(plb1)) lag_ci_opt1(color(cranberry)) lag_opt2(msymbol(o) color(plr1)) lag_ci_opt2(color(plr1)) lag_opt3(msymbol(d ) color(navy)) lag_ci_opt3(color(navy)) lag_opt4(msymbol(t) color(forest_green)) lag_ci_opt4(color(forest_green)) lag_opt5(msymbol(s) color(dkorange)) lag_ci_opt5(color(dkorange)) lag_opt6(msymbol(th) color(purple)) lag_ci_opt6(color(purple)) lag_opt7(msymbol(dh) color(plb2)) lag_ci_opt7(color(plb2)) lag_opt8(msymbol(sh ) color(plr2)) lag_ci_opt8(color(plr2)) gr export "figure/ES_HTest1.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_HTest1.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_HTest1.gph, replace use simu_data_DGP03, clear matrix btrue = J (1,30,.)matrix colnames btrue = $leadall $lagall qui forvalues l = 1/14 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/15 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +15]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrue reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFEtestparm $leadall reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base if D ==0, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFE_pretestparm $leadall coefplot (matrix (btrue[1]), recast (scatter ) msym(Oh) ) (TWFE, m (s) ) (TWFE_pre, m (t)) , keep ($leadall ) omitted baselevel vertical recast (con) ciopts(recast (rcap)) yline(0, lc(gs0) lp(solid)) xline(14, lc(gs8) lp(dash)) ylabel(-6(2)4) xtit("相对处理时期" ) ytit("估计系数" ) legend(order (2 "真实系数" 4 "全样本" 6 "未处理子样本" ) $blgd ) text(-5 1 "全样本:F=12.78 p=0.00***" , size(medium) placement(e )) text(2.5 1 "子样本:F=0.78 p=0.69" , size(medium) placement(e )) scale(1.2)gr export "figure/ES_HTpretest.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_HTpretest.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_HTpretest.gph, replace
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 clear alluse simu_data_DGP04, clear preserve collapse (mean ) y y0 y1, by (treat time rel_date)tw (sc y time if treat==2, color(plb1) lp(solid) lw(medthick) c(l ) m (O)) (line y0 time if treat==2&rel_date>=-1, lc(plb1) lp(dash) lw(thick)) (sc y time if treat==3, color(plr1) lp(solid) lw(medthick) c(l ) m (T)) (line y0 time if treat==3&rel_date>=-1, lc(plr1) lp(dash) lw(thick)) (sc y time if treat==4, color(plg1) lp(solid) lw(medthick) c(l ) m (S)) (line y0 time if treat==4&rel_date>=-1, lc(plg1) lp(dash) lw(thick)) (sc y time if treat==1, color(ply1) lp(solid) lw(medthick) c(l ) m (D )), ylabel(0(20)80) legend(order (1 "组群1(T*= 5)" 3 "组群2(T*=10)" 5 "组群3(T*=15)" 7 "控制组" ) $blgd col(2)) xtitle("时期" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) scale(1.2)restore gr export "figure/ES_HTNPdata.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_HTNPdata.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_HTNPdata.gph, replace preserve collapse (mean ) tauit, by (treat rel_date)tw (sc tauit rel_date if treat==2, c(l ) m (s)) (sc tauit rel_date if treat==3, c(l ) m (t)) (sc tauit rel_date if treat==4, c(l ) m (d )), xlabel(-15(5)15) xtitle("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("平均处理效应 (ATT)" ) legend(order (1 "组群1 (T*= 5, ATT{sub:t}=0.5t)" 2 "组群2 (T*=10, ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 3 "组群3 (T*=15, ATT{sub:t}=2t)" ) $tllgd col(1)) restore use simu_data_DGP04, clear est clear matrix btrue = J (1,21,.)matrix colnames btrue = relb10 relb9 relb8 relb7 relb6 relb5 relb4 relb3 relb2 relb1 relf0 relf1 relf2 relf3 relf4 relf5 relf6 relf7 relf8 relf9 relf10qui forvalues l = 1/10 { matrix btrue[1,`l' ]=0 }qui forvalues h = 0/10 { sum tauit if rel_date==`h' &D ==1 matrix btrue[1,`h' +11]=r (mean ) }matrix list btrue reghdfe y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 o.rel_base relf_*, a(id time) cluster (id) eststo TWFEgen never = treat==1 eventstudyinteract y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relf_* rel_base, vce (cluster id) absorb(id time) cohort(timing) control_cohort(never)matrix sa_b = e (b_iw) matrix sa_v = e (V_iw)gen csind = timingreplace csind = 0 if mi (csind) csdid y, ivar(id) time(time) gvar(csind) notyet agg(event) eststo csdidxtset id timecap drop t *_lpdid*gen t = _n-15 if _n<=30gen b_lpdid_fe = .gen se_lpdid_fe = .forval j =14(-1)2 { qui : reghdfe y relb_`j' if (rel_date==-`j' | rel_base==1 & treat!=1) | treat==1, a(id time) cluster (id) replace b_lpdid_fe = _b[relb_`j' ] if t==-`j' replace se_lpdid_fe = _se[relb_`j' ] if t==-`j' }forval j =0(1)15 { qui : reghdfe y relf_`j' if (rel_date==`j' | rel_base==1 & treat!=1) | treat==1, a(id time) cluster (id) replace b_lpdid_fe = _b[relf_`j' ] if t==`j' replace se_lpdid_fe = _se[relf_`j' ] if t==`j' }replace b_lpdid_fe = 0 if t==-1replace se_lpdid_fe = 0 if t==-1tostring t, replace replace t = "T" + tmkmat b_lpdid_fe, mat (lpdid_b) rownames(t) nomissingmkmat se_lpdid_fe, mat (lpdid_se) rownames(t) nomissing did_imputation y id time timing, allhorizons pretrend(10) eststo bjs did2s y, first_stage(i.id i.time) second_stage(relb* rel_base relf*) treatment(D ) cluster (id) eststo twostage fect y, treat(D ) unit(id) time(time) method("fe" ) se nboots(30)matrix fect_results = e (ATTs)matrix rownames fect_results = relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relb_1 relf_0 relf_1 relf_2 relf_3 relf_4 relf_5 relf_6 relf_7 relf_8 relf_9 relf_10 relf_11matrix fect_b = fect_results[4..24,3] matrix fect_v = fect_results[4..24,4] stackedev y relb_14 relb_13 relb_12 relb_11 relb_10 relb_9 relb_8 relb_7 relb_6 relb_5 relb_4 relb_3 relb_2 relf_* rel_base, cohort(timing) time(time) never_treat(never) unit_fe(id) clust_unit(id) eststo stack event_plot stack , stub_lag(relf_#) stub_lead(relb_#) plottype(scatter ) ciplottype(rcap) event_plot btrue# TWFE sa_b#sa_v csdid lpdid_b#lpdid_se bjs twostage stack , stub_lag(relf# relf_# relf_# Tp# T# tau# relf_# relf_#) stub_lead(relb# relb_# relb_# Tm# T-# pre# relb_# relb_#) plottype(scatter ) ciplottype(rspike) together perturb(-0.35(0.1)0.35) trimlead(10) trimlag(10) noautolegend graph_opt(xtit("相对处理时期" ) ytitle("估计系数" ) xlabel(-10(1)10) ylabel(-5(5)15) legend(order (1 "真实系数" 2 "事件研究法TWFE" 4 "Sun & Abraham(2021)" 6 "Callaway & Sant'Anna(2021)" 8 "Dube et al.(2023)" 10 "Borusyak et al.(2022)" 12 "Gardner(2022)" 14 "Cengiz et al.(2019)" ) col(2) $tllgd ) xline(-0.5, lcolor(gs8) lp(dash)) yline(0, lcolor(gs0) lp(solid)) xsize(10) ysize(5) scale(1.3) ) lag_opt1(msymbol(Oh) color(plb1)) lag_ci_opt1(color(cranberry)) lag_opt2(msymbol(o) color(plr1)) lag_ci_opt2(color(plr1)) lag_opt3(msymbol(d ) color(navy)) lag_ci_opt3(color(navy)) lag_opt4(msymbol(t) color(forest_green)) lag_ci_opt4(color(forest_green)) lag_opt5(msymbol(s) color(dkorange)) lag_ci_opt5(color(dkorange)) lag_opt6(msymbol(th) color(purple)) lag_ci_opt6(color(purple)) lag_opt7(msymbol(dh) color(plb2)) lag_ci_opt7(color(plb2)) lag_opt8(msymbol(sh ) color(plr2)) lag_ci_opt8(color(plr2)) gr export "figure/ES_HTNPest.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_HTNPest.svg" , replace gr save figure/ES_HTNPest.gph, replace
3.6 原文图1和图4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 cd "$root" clear alluse Currie_2020, clear tw (line DD year, lw(thick)) (line ES year, lw(thick)), xlab(2005(5)2020) ylab(0(0.05)0.25, format (%6.2f)) legend(order (1 "双重差分法" 2 "事件研究法" )) xtitle("" ) ytitle("占比" ) subtitle("(a)英文经济学五大刊" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(top5)use cntop, clear keep if year>=2004gen DD_share = dd/total gen ES_share = es/total gen ESPT_share = espt/total two (line DD_share year, lw(thick)) (line ES_share year, lw(thick)) (line ESPT_share year, lw(thick) lp(shortdash)), xlab(2005(5)2020) ylab(0(0.05)0.25, format (%6.2f)) legend(order (1 "双重差分法" 2 "事件研究法" 3 "事件研究法+平行趋势" ) size(medsmall)) xtitle("" ) ytitle("占比" ) subtitle("(b)中文权威期刊" , pos(6)) scale(1.2) name(cntop) grc1leg2 top5 cntop, ytol legendfrom(cntop) xsize(8) scale(1.5)gr export "figure/topshare.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/topshare.svg" , replace set seed 20230101clear all set obs 400gen id = _nexpand 20bysort id: gen time = _n gen unit_c = runiform(0,10) if time==1egen unit_fe = mean (unit_c), by (id)gen indicator_c = unit_c qui sum indicator_c,d scalar threshold1 = r (p25)scalar threshold2 = r (p50)scalar threshold3 = r (p75)egen indicator = mean (indicator_c), by (id)gen treat = 1replace treat = 2 if indicator>threshold1replace treat = 3 if indicator>threshold2replace treat = 4 if indicator>threshold3tab treat, gen (group)gen timing = .replace timing = 5 if treat==2replace timing = 10 if treat==3replace timing = 15 if treat==4gen rel_date = time-timingreplace rel_date = 0 if mi (rel_date)gen post = rel_date>=0gen group_level = 15*group2 + 10*group3 +5*group4gen group_trend = 0egen X_cf = mean (unit_c), by (treat)gen y0 = group_level + group_trend + runiform(0,10)gen y11 = group_level + group_trend + (5*group2 + 5*group3 + 5*group4)*post + runiform(0,10) gen y12 = group_level + group_trend + (1*group2 + 1*group3 + 1*group4)*post *(rel_date+1) + runiform(0,10) gen y13 = group_level + group_trend + (0.5*group2 + 1*group3 + 2*group4)*post *(rel_date+1) + runiform(0,10) cap drop ygen D = 0replace D = 1 if rel_date>=0&inlist (treat,2,3,4)gen y1 = (1-D )*y0 + D *y11gen y2 = (1-D )*y0 + D *y12gen y3 = (1-D )*y0 + D *y13preserve collapse (mean ) y1 y2 y3 y0, by (treat time)tw (line y1 time if treat==2, lw(thick)) (line y1 time if treat==3, lw(thick)) (line y1 time if treat==4, lw(thick)) (line y1 time if treat==1, lw(thick)), ylabel(0(10)30) legend(order (1 "组群1(ATT{sub:t}=5)" 2 "组群2(ATT{sub:t}=5)" 3 "组群3(ATT{sub:t}=5)" 4 "控制组" ) $blgd col(2)) xtitle("" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) tit("(a)同质性处理效应" , pos(6)) name(TEA1)restore preserve collapse (mean ) y1 y2 y3 y0, by (treat time)tw (line y2 time if treat==2, lw(thick)) (line y2 time if treat==3, lw(thick)) (line y2 time if treat==4, lw(thick)) (line y2 time if treat==1, lw(thick)), ylabel(0(10)30) legend(order (1 "组群1(ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 2 "组群2(ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 3 "组群3(ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 4 "控制组" ) $blgd col(2)) xtitle("" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) tit("(b)同质性处理效应路径" , pos(6)) name(TEA2)restore preserve collapse (mean ) y1 y2 y3 y0, by (treat time)tw (line y3 time if treat==2, lw(thick)) (line y3 time if treat==3, lw(thick)) (line y3 time if treat==4, lw(thick)) (line y3 time if treat==1, lw(thick)), ylabel(0(10)30) legend(order (1 "组群1(ATT{sub:t}=0.5t)" 2 "组群2(ATT{sub:t}=1t)" 3 "组群3(ATT{sub:t}=2t)" 4 "控制组" ) $blgd col(2)) xtitle("" ) ytitle("结果变量Y" ) tit("(c)异质性处理效应" , pos(6)) name(TEA3)restore gr combine TEA1 TEA2 TEA3, ysize(4) xsize(12) row(1) scale(1.5)gr export "figure/ES_TEA.png" , width(3000) replace gr export "figure/ES_TEA.svg" , replace